Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – The Swedish long/short equity hedge fund Elementa, that acts under the PSG Capital umbrella, put in another positive month in December adding 2 percent and maintaining a clean sheet only logging in positive month since its inception in March 2015. We believe this makes Elementa the only fund in the universe of 150 Nordic hedge funds in the HedgeNordic database to have only returned positive months during 2015. This brings returns for the full year to +15 percent. The Nordic Hedge Index Composite (NHX) stands at 4,9% for 2015 while the equity sub index indicates returns of 11% for the year.
In a comment to HedgeNordic, the funds portfolio manager Marcus Wahlberg says:
”In 2015, the fund had strong positive contributions from Vitrolife and Collector among other strong contributors. These companies are characterized by competitive products and cash flow generating business models. Going into 2016, I see a number of opportunities outside of Sweden, particularly in Finland where the number of cheap companies are higher as well as in Norway where many companies have been punished by the drop in oil prices. You need to be cautious when it comes to stock selection though. As always, Elementa has a long-term view on its investments. So far in 2016 the fund has weathered the storm well and is unchanged since the beginning of the year.”
Picture: (c) ramcreations—