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Fixed Income and ETFs

By UBS AM: Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) offer several benefits to end investors such as transparency, cost efficiency, intraday liquidity and diversification. For fixed...

This hedge funder is actually making the world a better place

While Wall Street takes its lumps for being too profit-driven, people on the Street are some of the most dedicated and generous do-gooders around....

Fintech solution applications to hedge funds

London (HedgeNordic/Tatja Karkkainen) - Fintech has been frequently on the headlines of financial press. This has been mostly for the growth in the consumer-focused...

An oasis of yield in the NIRP desert

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - We incessantly hear about the trillions of sovereign and corporate debt with negative yields, but this relates to sovereign, and some...

Brexit drove inflows into ETFs in June – Thomson Reuters Lipper

The latest European ETF Market Review from Thomson Reuters Lipper shows that despite the increased volatility prior to the “Brexit” voting in the United Kingdom,...

ETFs tracking hedge funds are underperforming

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) -  ETFs tracking hedge funds are performing poorly, Bloomberg writes. Global X Guru ETF, has built a strategy that aims to track the...

Apple hedgefondernas största innehav för femte kvartalet i rad

Göteborg (FinWire) - Under årets andra kvartal ökade de 50 största amerikanska hedgefonderna sin exponering mot aktier med 4,4 procent. Det enligt data från Factset....

Aktivt förvaltade fonder i USA fortsätter se utflöden

Göteborg (FinWire) - I juni såg internationella aktiefonder i USA ett inflöde på 22,4 miljarder dollar, det högsta inflödet av samtliga Morningstars kategorier, framgår det...

Special Report: ETFs and Hedge Funds

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Hedge funds and Exchange Traded Funds (ETF) at first sight may appear far apart and impossible to compare or even find...

Lyxors innovativa ARMA 8 en lyckad strategi

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - Det är inte många fonder som har lyckats slå rekord under de senaste åren där 2013 och 2014 uppvisat så helt...

Intervju: Magnus Jahnke, Lancelot Global Select

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) – Lancelot Asset Management har förvaltat kunders kapital sedan 1989. För ungefär ett år sedan lanserades Lancelot Global Select, en fond av...

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