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Hedgeweek Global Awards 2015 – Vinnarna

Report: Alternative Fixed Income

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Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Den sjätte upplagan av HedgeWeek Awards presenterades idag i London, Mayfair och sponsrades av Morgan Stanley. Eventet sammanförde alla de ledande namnen i den globala hedgefondbranschen för att fira de bäst presterande förvaltarna och tjänsteleverantörerna under 2014.

Vinnarna utsågs utifrån röster från HedgeWeeks prenumeranter vilket inkluderar kapitalrådgivare, fondförvaltare och andra branschspecialister såsom administratörer, förvaringsinstitut, prime brokers och juristfirmor.

Vinnarna av HedgeWeek Awards 2015 är:

Best Macro Fund – Omni Macro Fund
Best Event Driven Merger Arbitrage Fund – Paulson & Co
Best Event Driven Distressed Fund – Foxhill Capital Partners, LLC
Best Event Driven Multi Strategy Fund – Kawa Capital Management
Best Relative Value Convertible Bond Arbitrage Fund – Stratton Street Capital
Best Relative Value Volatility Fund – Inter Global Asset Management LLC
Best Relative Value Fixed Income Fund – Serone Capital
Best Relative Value Multi Strategy Fund – Cornerstone Acquisition & Management Company LLC
Best Equity Market Neutral Fund – Jackdaw Capital
Best Managed Futures (CTA) Fund – Lyxor
Best Absolute Return Fund – Saemor Capital
Best UCITs-compliant Product – Lyxor
Best Diversified Fund of Hedge Funds – Unigestion
Best Specialist Fund of Hedge Funds – Skenderbeg Alternative Investments AG
Best Index Provider – Russell Indexes
Best North American Hedge Fund Administrator – Opus Fund Services
Best Asian Hedge Fund Administrator – JP Funds Group
Best European Hedge Fund Administrator (Joint Winners) – Quintillion Limited/Maitland Fund Services
Best Offshore Hedge Fund Administrator – Deutsche Bank Alternative Fund Services
Best North American Prime Broker – Concept Capital Markets, LLC
Best European Prime Broker – Newedge
Best Asian Prime Broker – Deutsche Bank
Best Specialist Market Prime Broker – Global Prime Partners Ltd
Best Managed Accounts Platform (Joint Winners) – Hedgemark/Morgan Stanley
Best UCITs Platform – ML Capital
Best Seeding Platform – IMQubator
Best Risk Management Software FIrm – Sungard
Best Fund Accounting and Reporting Systems Firm – ASPN Solutions
Best Managed Account Platform Technology – Pacific Fund Systems Ltd.
Best European Trading Venue – Eurex
Best North American Trading Venue – CME Group
Best Asian Trading Venue – TradingScreen
Best North American Accounting Firm – Anchin Block & Anchin LLP
Best European Accounting Firm – KPMG
Best North American Regulatory Advisory Firm – ConceptONE, LLC
Best European Regulatory Advisory Firm – Cordium
Best Offshore Regulatory Advisory Firm – DMS Offshore
Best Hedge Fund Services Jurisdiction – Cayman
Best North American Public Relations Firm – Prosek
Best European Public Relations Firm – Peregrine
Best Global Insurance Provider – Marsh Ltd
Best  Global Consultant in Business Strategy – Nomura
Best European Business Consultant – Bougeville Consulting
Best Data Visualisation Software Provider – Pomerol
Best Liquid Alternatives Administrator – State Street
Best Cybersecurity Provider – netConsult
Best Cloud Services Provider – Eze Castle Integration, Inc.
Best North American Law Firm – Sadis & Goldberg LLP
Best European Law Firm – Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP
Best Offshore Law Firm – Mourant Ozannes
Best Advisory & Third Party Marketing Firm – Sussex Partners



Bild: (c) grossartiger—shutterstock.com

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Kamran Ghalitschi
Kamran Ghalitschi
Kamran has been working in the financial industry since 1994 and has specialized on client relations and marketing. Having worked with retail clients in asset management and brokerage the first ten years of his career for major European banks, he joined a CTA / Managed Futures fund with 1,5 Billion USD under management where he was responsible for sales, client relations and operations in the BeNeLux and Nordic countries. Kamran joined a multi-family office managing their own fund of hedgefunds with 400 million USD AuM in 2009. Kamran has worked and lived in Vienna, Frankfurt, Amsterdam and Stockholm. Born in 1974, Kamran today again lives in Vienna, Austria.

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