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Invitation: Amsterdam Investor Forum

Report: Alternative Fixed Income

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ABN AMRO Clearing is pleased to announce that registration to its 4th Amsterdam Investor Forum is now open. You are invited to sign up. The Forum takes place at ABN AMRO’s head office at Gustav Mahlerlaan in Amsterdam and will focus on the current opportunities and challenges of the alternative investment industry. The Forum is a strategic meeting place for Institutional Investors and (Alternative) Investment Managers.

In this edition of the Amsterdam Investor Forum we will invite speakers and panellists from the following companies:

Adamas Asset Management
Aurum Fund Management
COMAC Capital
Eyck Capital Management
Inoks Capital
Kempen Capital Management LCF Rothschild
LindenGrove Capital
Mariner Investment Group
Martin Currie Investment Management
North Asset Management Omni Partners
Peters Capital Group
Pictet Alternative Advisors
Stenham Advisers
Verrazano Capital

More names to follow in due course.

Although this is a free event, we are inviting attendees to make a donation of €150 to the A4C (Alternatives 4 Children) charitable foundation. You will be asked to make a donation after your registration is confirmed by ABN AMRO Clearing.

We look forward to welcoming you to the 2015 Amsterdam Investor Forum!

Please click here to register for the Amsterdam Investor Forum

AIF Factor

During the Amsterdam Investor Forum, we will host the AIF Factor that gives the opportunity to managers to present their funds strategy to an audience of 225+ attendees.
There will be 6 slots for a pitch of 3 minutes with no slides. The audience and a panel of investors will vote for the most compelling and attractive pitch.

If you like this challenge and your Fund would like to become the winner of The AIF Factor 2015, please complete the questionnaire and submit your quote.

Please click here to submit your quote

Or select the AIF Factor tab on the registration website after you completed your registration

We kindly request to submit your quote before the deadline of 31st of December 2014 and you will be informed by the 9th of January in case your fund is one of the 6 nominees to win the AIF Factor 2015.

Do you have questions about the Amsterdam Investor Forum?
Please contact us Amsterdaminvestorforum@nl.abnamro.com

Please note that the number of available places is limited. We reserve the right to reject registrations.

Kind regards,
ABN AMRO Clearing

Please join our LinkedIn group ‘Amsterdam Investor Forum – ABN AMRO Clearing’

By attending the Amsterdam Investor Forum (“Forum”) or through communication in that respect (whether or not through its website), ABN AMRO Clearing Bank N.V. (“AACB”) may provide you with information or materials, drafted by AACB or third parties, with regard to the Forum, AACB, its participants or any other subject relevant in the context of the Forum (“Materials”). By attending the Forum or using any Materials you agree to be bound by this Disclaimer.
The Materials are solely intended to provide general information and do not constitute an offer of securities to the public as meant in any laws or rules implementing the Prospectus Directive (2003/71/EC), as amended, nor do they constitute a solicitation to make such an offer.
The Materials or the Forum do not constitute investment, legal, regulatory or other advice or recommendation (whether general or not) with respect to any transaction in financial instruments or in general and do not establish any relationship between AACB and any participant.
The Materials must be treated as confidential and AACB does not accept any liability which may be based on the content of the Materials. In particular, no representation or warranty, express or implied, is given by or on behalf of AACB, or any of its directors, officers, affiliates or employees as to the accuracy or completeness of the Materials or as to the achievement or reasonableness of any forecasts, projections, prospects or returns and no liability is accepted for any loss, arising, directly or indirectly, from any use of the Materials. Everyone attending the Forum or using the Materials should acquaint themselves with and adhere to the applicable rules, regulations and legislation.


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