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Alvine Capital: 10 år av internationell och nordisk rådgivning

London (HedgeNordic) - Alvine Capital, startat av Thomas Raber (bild), har på tio år vuxit till en väletablerad rådgivningsbutik inom alternativa investeringar. Med bas i London...

Introducing Trude

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Excalibur Asset Management launched their long awaited new credit hedge fund on October 1, going by the charming name "Trude". Trude...

Nordic hedge funds struggle in September

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - The Nordic Hedge Index (NHX) representing 150 Nordic hedge funds will have a negative month, early reporters are indicating. With 34%...

Switch in Carve units permitted

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Brummer & Parnters this week announced the possibility of unit holders in Carve (Cross Asset Relative Value Equity Focus) to switch between Carve...

The Myths of Liquid Alternatives

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - David Saunders, Managing Director and founder of K2 advisors, one of the worlds largest fund of hedge funds overseeing in excess...

Lancelot Global Select no more

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Lancelot Global Select reported their NAV for August 2015 as unchanged to July NAV. That in itself obviously makes no great...

Elementa Keeps Clean Sheet

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Newly launched multi strategy hedge fund Elementa is the only fund among the 151 Nordic funds that form the Nordic Hedge Index...

Some shine in Augusts´downbeat Healthcare Sector

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) Broad equity indices shed blood during the month of August, MSCI World loosing 6,6% for the month, most fingers pointing East to...

Ugly August

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - August 2015 may well go down as the worst month for Nordic hedge funds since October 2008, when the NHX composite...

Lyxor lanserar kreditspecialisten Chenavari på sin Alternative UCITS plattform

Lyxor Asset Management (”Lyxor”) tillkännager sitt partnerskap med Chenavari Investment Managers (”Chenavari”). Syftet är att lansera Lyxor/Chenavari Credit Fund (”fonden”). Med införandet av den...

Blackstone går in på den nordiska fastighetsmarknaden

Göteborg (FinWire) - Blackstone Group, världens största private equity-bolag, går in på den nordiska fastighetsmarknaden. Det skriver Wall Street Journal. Den amerikanska kapitalförvaltaren går in...

Intervju: Henri Österlund – Accendo

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Accendo Capital är en aktivistfond baserad i Luxemburg, som startade sin verksamhet i februari 2008. Bolaget har ett footprint i både...

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