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Future-Proofing Risk and Portfolio Management with AI and Gen AI

“As the product lead for MSCI, I am naturally biased, but I believe the AI is transforming at MSCI the analysis of risk. Using...

The Systematic Revolution and ‘Equification’ of Fixed Income

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Systematic trading has historically thrived in the domain of exchange-traded securities such as equities, listed futures, and other highly liquid instruments....

Assessing E, S and G in a World of Factors

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Nowadays, talking about adding Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) factors into an investment process is common jargon, but most often, the...

September Stronghold for IPM

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – IPM Informed Portfolio Management, the Swedish systematic investment manager offering macro and equity portfolio solutions to institutional investors globally, reported a...

IPM Funds Weather Brexit Storm in June

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Sweden’s Informed Portfolio Management (IPM) reported its Systematic Currency Fund was up 6.8% (+16.7% YTD) in June, while its Systematic Macro...

That´s horrible – and nothing to write home about

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Every month Swedish placera.nu news-site publishes a list of ten funds they would expect to do well in the coming period....

Nordic CTAs take it hard on the chin

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Nordic CTAs got hit hard in October, early indications showing the NHX CTA sub index down by 3,71%, the largest monthly...

Hedgefonder adderade värde i juni – trots förluster

Stocholm (HedgeNordic) - Hedgefonder tappade mark i juni. Enligt Lyxors hedgefondindex var branschen ned 2 procent. Lyxor påpekar däremot att avkastningen för hedgefonder varit relativt...

Intervju: Henri Österlund – Accendo

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Accendo Capital är en aktivistfond baserad i Luxemburg, som startade sin verksamhet i februari 2008. Bolaget har ett footprint i både...

Stark inledning för globala makrofonder 2015

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Januari var en volatil månad för de flesta tillgångsslag men globala makrofonder levererade starkt och HFRX Macro/CTA-index steg med 2,0 procent...

Konsolidering av vinster under Q3

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Trots blandade resultat på världens börser befäste hedgefondbranschen den goda avkastningen från det första halvåret under årets tredje kvartal, enligt Deutsche...

Kinas ekonomi vid viktigt vägskäl

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - Efter en lång period av tvåsiffriga tillväxttal noterade Kinas ekonomi sin svagaste tillväxt på 14 år under 2013. Den Kinesiska valutan...

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