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Latest Allocator News

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – A coalition of institutional investors, led by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas, is gaining more support, including from Nordic investors, in their demand for hedge funds to implement cash hurdles in incentive fees. Swedish pension insurer PRI Pensionsgaranti and Finnish pension insurance company Ilmarinen are...

Allocator Interviews


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Latest news in alternatives

Estlander Awaiting the Black Swan

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Finnish systematic asset manager Estlander & Partners has been in the business of providing so-called “crisis alpha” for decades through one...

Pros and Cons of Replicating “All-Stars” Trend-Followers

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Andrew Beer and his team at Dynamic Beta investments (DBi), which is part of asset management network iM Global Partner, believe...

Hedge Fund Journal: Calculo Best in Commodity Trend Following

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Calculo Evolution Fund, a pure commodity trend-follower based in Denmark, has been recognized as the “Best Performing Commodity Trend Follower” over...

DBi Pioneers Cost-Efficient Access to CTA Performance

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Trend-following CTAs or managed futures vehicles are often seen as effective diversifiers within investment portfolios, exhibiting limited correlation to equity and...

Swiss Wealth Manager Opens RFP for CTA Investment

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – A Swiss wealth manager is currently searching for a CTA manager running a cross-asset class strategy with a systematic approach. The...

Strong Start for Nordic CTAs in 2024

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Following a great 2022 and a more subdued 2023, Nordic trend-following CTAs and managed futures vehicles are off to a strong...

Signs of Strong February for Nordic CTAs

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – The year 2023 proved to be more challenging for most trend-following managers compared to the exceptional performance seen in 2022. However,...

CTA and Business Cycle Turning Points

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – After a solid 2022 marked by strong momentum, 2023 presented significant challenges for many CTAs. The year saw trendiness plummet and...

Mandatum’s Trend-Follower Thrives Amidst Reversals

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Following a third consecutive month of losses for both stocks and bonds in October, trend-followers entered November with short exposure to...

CTA Roundtable 2023: A Wish to a Genie in Bottle

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Once again, we were humbled and exuberant to attract some of the brightest stars in the CTA space to join us...

SMN Profiting from Niche Commodities and ‘Structural Alpha’

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Amidst last year’s simultaneous decline in stocks and bonds, commodity trading advisors (CTAs) – trend-following hedge funds that seek to capture...

Lynx Welcomes Two Co-Heads of Systematic Equities

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Systematic asset manager Lynx Asset Management has brought in two Co-Heads of Systematic Equities to lead a long-term project in developing...