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Nordiska hedgefonder nominerade till EuroHedge Awards

Stockholm: (HedgeNordic.com) - Den 23 januari går EuroHedge Awards 2013 av stapeln i London. I vanlig ordning finns en hel räcka nordiska hedgefonder med...

Nordic Hedge Index further advances in November

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - The Nordic Hedge Index (NHX) continued to extend its  advance,  adding 1,18% November. NHX recorded its  fifth positive month in succession...

Nordic Hedge Index advances 1,15% in October

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com)  - Nordic hedge funds continued their advance in October, the average fund increasing NAV by 1,15% for the month, according tot he...

Family Offices jagar mer avkastning

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - Family Office har under de senaste två åren ökat sin allokering mot noterade aktier på bekostnad av hedge fonder. Enligt en...

Catella Nordic Corpoate Bond Flex toppar Luxemburg index

London (HedgeNordic.com) - Catella Nordic Corpoate Bond Flex (tidigare Catella Nordic Fixed Income Opportunity) hade en avkastning på 5,86% under årets tre första kvartal,...

Nordic hedge funds strong, CTAs take a beating

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - September saw strong gains for Nordic hedge funds, especially those managers focusing on equity markets while Managed Futures managers took yet...

Nordic Hedge Index drops 0,49% in August

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - The Nordic Hedge Index Composite (NHX) gave up 0,49% in August. The decline is inline with major global hedge fund indices,...

Nordic hedge funds bounce back in July

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - Nordic hedge funds gained 0,4% in July according to NHX composite, regaining  some of the ground lost following a 1,1% drop...

First monthly decline for Nordic hedge funds since October

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - The Nordic Hedge Index (NHX) dropped by 1,1% in June, it´s first monthly decline since October 2012 to close at an...

Nordic Hedge Index climbs 8th consecutive month – All time High

Stockholm (HedgeFonder.nu) - Nordic hedgefunds continued to extend their advance in May and climed the eigth consecutive month to reach a new all time...

Viktigt att behålla perspektivet trots volatilitet på obligationsmarknaderna

Stockholm (HedgeFonder.nu) - Den senaste tidens volatilitet på obligationsmarknaderna, på grund av den amerikanska reservbankens nedtrappning av ekonomiska stimulusprogram, har skapat oro bland investerare. Andrew...

Asgard räntefond – Fondförvaltning i gudarnas sfär

London (HedgeFonder.nu) - I den nordiska mytologin är Asgard gudarnas sfär och hem som styrs av Oden och hans hustru Frigg. Tittar man på...

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