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Nordic Hedge Fund Country Report Q1/2018

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – HedgeNordic is pleased to present its first Nordic countries hedge fund report. This short report will highlight and illustrate the main...

“The worst is behind us” says Lynx´s Bergström

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - In an interview with Swedish business journal Dagens Industri, Svante Bergström (pictured), founder and CEO of the 5,3 billion USD systematic...

Hedge Funds Regain Appeal for Ilmarinen

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - In a recent interview with Bloomberg, Mikko Mursula (pictured), the chief investment officer of Ilmarinen Mutual Pension Insurance Co., says “we are...

Mozilla overhauling Firefox smartphones

For regulatory purposes, artificial is, hopefully, the easy bit. It can simply mean “not occurring in nature or not occurring in the same form...

Make the perfect design today

For regulatory purposes, artificial is, hopefully, the easy bit. It can simply mean “not occurring in nature or not occurring in the same form...

Which notebook would you buy

For regulatory purposes, artificial is, hopefully, the easy bit. It can simply mean “not occurring in nature or not occurring in the same form...

Top research facilities in US

For regulatory purposes, artificial is, hopefully, the easy bit. It can simply mean “not occurring in nature or not occurring in the same form...

Prepare yourself for Apple Eyes

For regulatory purposes, artificial is, hopefully, the easy bit. It can simply mean “not occurring in nature or not occurring in the same form...

SEB HEDGE FIXED INCOME: Första negativa avkastningsåret och AUM ned över 30%

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - SEBs Hedge Fixed Income fond gick ner 0.12% under 2013 vilket är det första helåret sedan starten 2001 som fonden haft negativ...

Romanesco ny konstituent i Nordic Hedge Index

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - Från och med januari 2014 finns Romanesco Capital Management och deras Persistence Program med som en konstituent i Nordic Hedge Index...

Hedgefonder noterar inflöden på 17.5 miljarder dollar i november

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - Hedgefonder noterade inflöden på 17.5 miljarder dollar motsvarande 0.9% av indsutrins totala förvaltade kapital under november enligt en rapport från BarclayHedge och TrimTabs...

FRM förespråkar fundamentala råvarustrategier och statistical arbitrage inför 2014

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - Globala hedgefonder slutade 2013 svagt positivt. HFRX Global Hedge Fund Index noterade en uppgång på 56 baspunkter i december vilket därmed...

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