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Best Nordic Fund of Hedge Funds 2018

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Most Nordic and global hedge funds did not enjoy particularly strong returns in 2018, and while the NHX sub-index for Nordic...

Record HF Launches (and Closures): Nordics in Focus

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Both in the Nordic and global hedge fund industry, closures were a key theme of 2018, especially in the final quarter...

Finding a Home for Nordic Hedge Funds

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Luxembourg and Ireland hold a dominant role as European fund domiciles and together account for hosting about half of all funds...

Round Table: Uncovering Alpha in a “Fat and Flat” Equity Market

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Equity markets have enjoyed an almost uninterrupted run upward ever since bottoming out in early 2009, after the fallout of the financial...

ARP in Multi-Manager Portfolios – An Acquired Taste

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Most of those who run multi-manager vehicles in the Nordics are not investing in Alternative Risk Premia (ARP). For instance, Coeli Asset...

Lights Out for Coeli Norrsken Following In-House Merger

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Market-neutral hedge fund Coeli Norrsken merged into Coeli Asset Management’s fund of hedge funds, Coeli Multistrategi, on April 10, 2018 in...

Coeli Adds Accum’s Hedge Funds Under Its Umbrella

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Starting in October, Accum Capital’s Capital Preservation Strategy (CPS) and Capital Growth Strategy (CGS) – two funds of funds predominantly investing...

Coeli launches quant macro fund with artificial intelligence

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Coeli Asset Management has launched a new quantitative macro fund called "Prognosis Machines". The fund uses a unique strategy that is built...

Coeli lanserar ny aktiefond

Stockholm (Hedgenordic.com) - Coeli Asset Management expanderar sitt erbjudande inom aktiefonder genom lanseringen av Coeli Global Select. Fonden består av 25-35 kvalitetsinnehav med en...

Monyx rekryterar Ulrike Elger som Compliance Officer

Monyx rekryterar Ulrike Elger som Compliance Officer. Ulrike Elger har varit verksam i finans- och revisionsbranschen över 20 år och kommer närmast från en...

Ny förvaltare till Coeli Power

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Coeli Asset Management meddelar idag att Torgeir Terjesen ansluter till förvaltningsteamet bakom Coeli Power, en fond som syftar till att identifiera...

Nordic Hedge Award Panel Discussion: Insight into Manager Selection Process

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - The panel discussion at this year’s Hedge Nordic Awards focused on key ingredients in the manager selection process of some of the...

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