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These Nordic Hedge Funds are Gathering the Most Assets

Stockholm (Hedgenordic) - The largest Nordic hedge funds have been successful in raising assets during the last two years, despite challenging conditions with reportedly...

UBS launches Nobel Perspectives

UBS announced today the launch of 'Nobel Perspectives', a digital platform that will feature around 40 filmed interviews with Nobel Laureates in Economics. Partnering...

FRM Early view – Markets

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) -  After damping risk since the end of Q1 2015 we are now considering a shift in the balance towards more market...

The Myths of Liquid Alternatives

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - David Saunders, Managing Director and founder of K2 advisors, one of the worlds largest fund of hedge funds overseeing in excess...

Lunch Seminar: Global Distribution

(Promotion): On behalf of the Swebelux-Nobelux Chamber of Commerce and the  Ambassador of Luxembourg to Denmark, Finland, Norway & Sweden, HedgeNordic is pleased to forward...

Unique factors promoting positive effects

For regulatory purposes, artificial is, hopefully, the easy bit. It can simply mean “not occurring in nature or not occurring in the same form...

Samsung Galaxy may have been an inspiration

For regulatory purposes, artificial is, hopefully, the easy bit. It can simply mean “not occurring in nature or not occurring in the same form...

Designers to follow much better trends in 2015

For regulatory purposes, artificial is, hopefully, the easy bit. It can simply mean “not occurring in nature or not occurring in the same form...

Rhenman ökar andel storbolag efter tapp i augusti

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Rhenman Healthcare Equity L/S, den svenska hedgefonden som fokuserar på hälso- och sjukvårdsbolag, tappade 11 procent i basvalutan euro under augusti...

Stora flöden till hedgefonder hos nätmäklarna

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Enligt statistik från Avanza och Nordnet har den senaste tidens turbulens på aktiemarknaderna medfört att spararna i allt större utsträckning söker...

Osäkert börsläge får Cicero att vikta ned aktier i sina fonder

Göteborg (FinWire) - Cicero ser att det efter de senaste årens börsuppgångar börjat synas fler och fler exempel på att marknadsbedömare ifrågasätter de höga värderingarna....

DNB Prisma överlåts till Indecap

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - DNB Asset Management och Indecap Fonder AB har till Finansinspektionen lämnat in en ansökan om fondöverlåtelse av fonden DNB Prisma enligt ett...