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Latest Allocator News

Investor interest in long/short equity strategies appears to be making a comeback as market volatility and stock dispersion – driven in part by higher interest rates – create fresh opportunities for active managers. According to MandateWire of the Financial Times, Norway’s sovereign wealth fund made its first external allocation...

Allocator Interviews


Allocator Interviews

Latest news in alternatives

Virtu’s Broker-Neutral, Multi-Asset Trader Toolkit

Traders expect markets, asset classes, investment styles, and securities to experience material trends and fluctuations over time. However, in an environment of information asymmetry,...

Portfolio Intelligence

(Partner Content by Novus) - While the rest of the world made monumental leaps in big data and technology over the last couple of...

HP Fonds: Broadening Out Offering

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Copenhagen-based HP Fonds celebrates its 15th year in 2019. The owner-managed boutique was started by two founders - Henrik Fournais (pictured)...

Invitation: Amsterdam Investor Forum

ABN AMRO Clearing is pleased to announce that registration to its 4th Amsterdam Investor Forum is now open. You are invited to sign up....

HedgeInar: Save the Date!

Välkommen! Den 16 september anordnar vi utbildningsdagen Hedgeinar som kommer att fokusera helt på hedgefonder. Det är ett nytt samarbete som arrangeras av företagen Hedge...

Gaim Monaco 2014

To celebrate 20 years as Europe’s leading hedge fund event, Gaim as you know it has changed. The formal agenda has been halved to...

Lunchseminarie med PriorNilsson Fonder

(Annons) - Vår förvaltare PO Nilsson berättar om vår investeringsfilosofi, våra fonder och vår syn på marknaden. Det finns även tid för frågor. Vi...

Utsikter på räntemarknaden

Annons: Intervju med ränteteamet, Magnus Nilsson och Fredik Tauson- Catella Coporate Bond Flex toppar Morningstars lista över årets avkastning, i urvalet långa svenska räntefonder (morningstar.se 2013-09-10). Knappt...

Nordic Business Media acquires HedgeNordic.com

Dear Reader, we are happy to inform you, Nordic Business Media AB, the company publishing HedgeFonder.nu, in November 2012 acquired the website and business of...

Quant Invest and CTA World 2012

Annons:  Quant Invest and CTA World 2012 is only a few weeks away, have you guaranteed your place yet? If not, then now is...

Hedge Funds World Zurich

(Annons) - As a global leader in the hedge fund seeding field, IMQubator's Jeroen Tielman has a deep bredth of knowledge in obtaining the...

Så här gör du din fondportfölj stryktåligare

(Advertorial) - Det är viktigt att kombinera fonder med olika ­risk­nivåer och fonder som inte alltid samvarierar med varandra. Här får du tips om hur...