Special Report: Political Risk 2017 – The Age of Uncertainty

Stockholm (Nordic Business Media) – It could read like one of the famous crawls opening a Star Wars movie: At a time of unprecedented uncertainty in living memory, the United States under President Donald Trump is set to withdraw from its role as the guarantor of global stability to being the world’s foremost geopolitical and financial market risk.

In febrile anticipation of a year in which the unwitting populist threat, bolstered by President Trump, could potentially fatally wound the European project, irretrievably realign the global balance of power and irreparably damage Western societies from within, the political risk outlook for 2017 is paramount for investors, analysts and business professionals to consider.

Nordic Business Media hereby presents its forecast: Political Risk 2017 – The Age of Uncertainty.  Spanning analyses immanent to the U.S., Europe and Scandinavia, to Emerging Markets and across Geostrategic considerations, NBM trusts this report can be an aid to its subscribers in hedging their bets in what is certain to be a highly uncertain year ahead.

The report can be accessed here: Political Risk 2017 – The Age of Uncertainty

Picture: Sean-K—shutterstock.com