Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Swedish long/short equity fund Gladiator Fond posted returns of 3% for September 2016. This was by comparison to a slight 0.28% appreciation on the NHX composite, with the Fund being up 12.30 points for the year so far.
Gladiator describes its strategy as providing shareholders with maximum returns on investment over time regardless of general market conditions, and through balanced risk-taking. The Fund focuses on absolute return, unlike traditional funds whose focus is relative return against an index. As a so-called long/short equity fund, short selling and various derivative strategies may be employed in the Fund’s administration, which also uses leverage from time to time and has a more concentrated portfolio, e.g. larger individual positions than traditional investment funds. The Fund is open to the general public in Sweden.
Gladiator Fond, a special fund in the Swedish Alternative Investment Funds Managers Act (AIFMA) , was incepted on February 1, 2005 and is managed by Max Mitteregger Kapitalforvältning AB. Gladiator typically invests in companies with a market cap of SEK 3bn, with the minimum investment in the fund being SEK 100,000.
The Fund has previously received the distinction of a five star rating from Morningstar for three five-year periods.
An older HedgeNordic interview with the Fund’s Portfolio Manager, Max Mitteregger, in which he discusses Gladiator’s strategy, is available here.
Picture: (c) McIek—