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The Myths of Liquid Alternatives

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - David Saunders, Managing Director and founder of K2 advisors, one of the worlds largest fund of hedge funds overseeing in excess...

Prequin Research Suggests Big is Beautiful

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - The discussion if there are correlations between a managers size, age and maturity in regards to his ability to achieve stable,...

CTAs and Macro well positioned for post Fed market action

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - In the most recently published weekly report from Lyxor, CTAs and Macro strategies are highlighted as best positioned to take advantage of the...

Lancelot Global Select no more

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Lancelot Global Select reported their NAV for August 2015 as unchanged to July NAV. That in itself obviously makes no great...

KPMG report shows women-owned hedge funds outperform males´

(HedgeWeek) - This year’s KPMG hedge fund report was done in partnership with Hedge Fund Research and focused on the role of women in...

Interview: SEB’s Otto Francke on the new Alternative Risk Premia fund

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - In May of 2015, SEB launched a new fund called SEB Alternative Risk Premia. The idea is to offer a vehicle...

Nordic hedge funds suffer losses in August

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Nordic hedge funds, as represented by the Nordic Hedge Composite Index (NHX), lost 1.7 % in August cutting year-to-date performance to +2.6 %....

Skydda dig mot börsnedgångar med rätt CTAs

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Det är naturligt för investerare av diversifierade portföljer att söka sig mot alternativa investeringar för okorrelerad avkastning, speciellt när börsen går...

Sector Zen förlorade mark i augusti

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Den norskförvaltade Japanhedgefonden Sector Zen hade – liksom övriga marknaden – en stökig resa i augusti. Fonden tappade -2,7%, vilket trots...

Ömsom vin ömsom vatten för nordens CTAs under turbulensen

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - CTA-strategier har historisk visat sig leverera stark avkastning i tider av hög riskaversion och fallande aktiemarknader, under turbulensen i augusti bidrog...

Crescit raderade ut årets uppgång under augusti

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Den svenska hedgefonden Crescit som förvaltas av Jonas Granholm och Gustav Lundeborg, båda med förflutet på Skanskas Pensionsstiftelse, hade det besvärligt...

Ugly August

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - August 2015 may well go down as the worst month for Nordic hedge funds since October 2008, when the NHX composite...

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