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Nordic Hedge Index drops 0,49% in August

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - The Nordic Hedge Index Composite (NHX) gave up 0,49% in August. The decline is inline with major global hedge fund indices,...

Nordic hedge funds bounce back in July

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - Nordic hedge funds gained 0,4% in July according to NHX composite, regaining  some of the ground lost following a 1,1% drop...

First monthly decline for Nordic hedge funds since October

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - The Nordic Hedge Index (NHX) dropped by 1,1% in June, it´s first monthly decline since October 2012 to close at an...

Sector Asset Management: Fyra av sju strategier uppåt i juni

London (HedgeFonder.nu) - Fyra av sju av Sector Asset Managements strategier gick uppåt i juni medan tre föll. Den fond som gick bäst var...

Tvärstopp för CTAs i maj och juni

Stockholm (HedgeFonder.nu) - Efter ett lovande första kvartal med ihållande marknadstrender i såväl aktier som valutor fortsatte CTAs att prestera väl under april månad;...

Nordic Hedge Index climbs 8th consecutive month – All time High

Stockholm (HedgeFonder.nu) - Nordic hedgefunds continued to extend their advance in May and climed the eigth consecutive month to reach a new all time...

Nordic Hedge Index NHX svagt upp i mars

Stockholm (HedgeFonder.nu) – Nordiska hedgefonder avslutade mars månad med små förändringar och Nordic Hedge Index stängde med en mindre uppgång på 0,1%, enligt HedgeNordics...

Little change for Nordic hedge funds in March

Stockholm (HedgeFonder.nu) - Nordic hedgefunds closed March with little change, the Nordic Hedge Index ending with a slight gain of 0,1%, according to the...

Nordic Hedge Award Nominations: Usual Suspects and Surprises

Stockholm (HedgeFonder.nu) - The shortlist of  funds nominated for the first Nordic Hedge Award showed  a mix of some well known names of "the...

Broad gains for Nordic hedge funds in January

Stockholm (HedgeFonder.nu) - The Nordic Hedge Index NHX gained 1,85% in January. Best performing sub index where managed futures which appreciated by 3,21% (88%...

Stark början på året för Catellas hedgefonder

Stockholm (HedgeFonder.nu) – Januari började bra för Catellas hedgefonder. Samtliga tre alternativa fonder inledde året 2013 med positiv avkastning. För Catella Focus, med förvaltare Mats...

Nordic Hedge Funds post first gains since April

Copenhagen (HedgeNordic.com) - Nordic Hedge Funds posted their first gains since April 2011 advancing 0.53* in October 2011 as the markets showed a tiny...