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Estlander & Partners Bolsters Board for New Challenges

Report: Systematic Strategies

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Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Finnish systematic manager Estlander & Partners has announced Albert Collette as the newest member of its Board of Directors. As a Director, Collette’s role will revolve around assisting the systematic manager in leveraging its infrastructure and tools to find solutions to the new challenges confronting the global financial landscape. Most recently, in his role as CEO of PAG Investment Solutions, Collette focused on developing systematic investment solutions negatively correlated to traditional portfolios.

“We are thrilled to welcome Albert to our team, bringing with him an extensive wealth of over 30 years of experience in financial markets,” announces the team at Estlander & Partners. “This wealth of knowledge is poised to significantly contribute to guiding investors towards a more prosperous tomorrow.” Collette (pictured left alongside Walter Estlander) states that his role “will be to assist Estlander & Partners leverage its infrastructure and arsenal of tools to help investors find solutions to new and forgotten investment challenges.”

“We are thrilled to welcome Albert to our team, bringing with him an extensive wealth of over 30 years of experience in financial markets.”

Collette most recently served as the CEO of PAG Investment Solutions, a business arm of Hong Kong-based alternative investment fund manager PAG focused on the application of quantitative techniques to fundamental investing. This division was set up in 2017 to create and promote investment strategies that exhibited negative correlations with conventional 60/40 portfolios. In the earlier stages of his career, Collette worked as an Alternative Products Specialist at JP Morgan from 1997 to 2003.

The Estlander & Partners team points out that the world is constantly evolving, leading to numerous challenges for investors. In recent years, these challenges have become even more substantial and, in some cases, unprecedented. “The last few years have confronted investors with even bigger challenges and also challenges that investors had not faced for decades,” says the team at Estlander & Partners. “To effectively tackle these growing challenges Albert Collette is joining Estlander & Partners as a Board of Director.”

Originally known as Estlander & Rönnlund, the company was one of the pioneering firms in the European CTA space, dating back to 1991 when Martin Estlander and Kaj Rönnlund embarked on trading and market-making in options. Over more than three decades, Estlander & Partners has built a successful track record as an institutional asset manager, currently managing $335.9 million as of the end of September. The team has developed time-tested investment strategies, including its flagship Alpha Trend Program with a track record of over 30 years. This pure trend-following strategy has delivered an annualized return of 7.4 percent since launching in late 1991.

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Eugeniu Guzun
Eugeniu Guzun
Eugeniu Guzun serves as a data analyst responsible for maintaining and gatekeeping the Nordic Hedge Index, and as a journalist covering the Nordic hedge fund industry for HedgeNordic. Eugeniu completed his Master’s degree at the Stockholm School of Economics in 2018. Write to Eugeniu Guzun at eugene@hedgenordic.com

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