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Ellinor Hult Lands New Role in Double Hire

Report: Systematic Strategies

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Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Ellinor Hult, former assistant portfolio manager at healthcare-focused long/short equity fund Rhenman Healthcare Equity L/S, joins Swedish fund management firm HealthInvest Partners as Portfolio Manager and Partner.

Hult joins HealthInvest Partners from Handelsbanken Fonder, where she had been the responsible manager for Handelsbanken’s Japan-focused SEK 7.97 billion fund. She was involved in the management of Handelsbanken’s healthcare-focused fund alongside Astrid Samuelsson, who is also joining HealthInvest Partners. “I am very proud and happy that Astrid and Ellinor have joined us,” comments Anders Hallberg, founder and manager at HealthInvest Partners. “It is inspiring to be able to attract the high level of experience and competence that they stand for.”

“I am very proud and happy that Astrid and Ellinor have joined us.”

Astrid Samuelsson

“With Astrid and Ellinor’s help, HealthInvest is entering a new exciting phase of building the Nordics’ leading fund company in the healthcare sector,” says Hallberg, who co-founded HealthInvest Partners with Carl Bennet in 2006. HealthInvest Partners has been running long-only healthcare-focused HealthInvest Alpha Fund since 2013. HealthInvest Partners plans to launch a new daily traded global healthcare fund managed by the freshly-hired portfolio managers.

Ellinor Hult previously worked as an assistant portfolio manager of Rhenman Healthcare Equity L/S for four and a half years starting in January 2013. Before joining Handelsbanken Fonder in September 2018, she had also worked as a global equities portfolio manager at Öhman. At Handelsbanken Fonder, Hult’s primary focus was the management of the asset manager’s Japan-focused equity fund, with a secondary focus on its global healthcare-focused equity fund. Astrid Samuelsson had managed Handelsbanken’s SEK 17.4 billion-healthcare fund, Handelsbanken Hälsovård Tema, for 15 years.

“I am so excited to be able to fully focus on the healthcare sector together with Astrid and my new colleagues at HealthInvest.”

“I am so excited to be able to fully focus on the healthcare sector together with Astrid and my new colleagues at HealthInvest,” Hult comments on joining HealthInvest Partners. “I am very much looking forward to becoming part of HealthInvest and helping to develop the company further,” says Samuelsson. “HealthInvest already has sixteen successful years behind it and the future looks at least as exciting – not least considering all the new drugs and treatments for serious diseases that are under development.”

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Eugeniu Guzun
Eugeniu Guzun
Eugeniu Guzun serves as a data analyst responsible for maintaining and gatekeeping the Nordic Hedge Index, and as a journalist covering the Nordic hedge fund industry for HedgeNordic. Eugeniu completed his Master’s degree at the Stockholm School of Economics in 2018. Write to Eugeniu Guzun at eugene@hedgenordic.com

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