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European Short Observer: September 2017

Report: Systematic Strategies

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This report displays insights from the European Short Disclosure Regulation (ESMA). Using daily lings, Novus track over 50 billion Euros in short investments across more than 250 managers.

Novus will explore last month’s sector exposure changes and best short picks. We’ve also ranked the most shorted securities, the most covered securi- ties, and the top new shorts.

The biggest increase during September in aggregate shorted value was in Consumer Discretionary. Norske Skogindustrier was the best short, with no managers shorting at the end of the month. Among the best shorts, the most crowded was Country- wide. The most shorted security by short in- terest was zooplus, with ve new managers shorting it.

Elis was the most covered security, with eight managers closing the position, and an aggregate decrease in shorted value of around 250 million Euros.

The report displayes the top ten shorts and the top new shorts of the month ranked by short interest. Among these, Compagnie Generale De Geophysique – Veritas is still the most shorted overall, and Castellum was the most shorted of the new shorts.

View the full report here: European Short Report 9/17

Picture: (c) MR.LIGHTMAN1975—shutterstock.com

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