Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Brummer & Partners, through their Brummer Multi Strategy Fund (BMS) , have decided to pull the plug on the investment in long short equity fund Talarium. This according to a news release on the Brummer website.
The redemption comes just about one year after Brummer decided to add the fund to its stable of hedge fund investments. BMS will execute the redemption on July 31, 2017, the news release states.
Since BMS invested in Talarium in June 2016, the fund has lost 4.1 percent and has had a negative contribution of 0.5 percent to BMS. As of end June, 5.5 percent of BMS’s assets were invested in the strategy.
Following the redemption of Talarium, BMS will be invested in eight hedge funds; Arete, Bodenholm, Black-and-White, Florin Court, Lynx, Manticore, Nektar and Observatory.
Picture (c): violetkaipa –