Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Staffan Östlin, now former Portfolio Manager of the Swedish long/short equity hedge fund Origo Quest 1 , will henceforth act as PM of the soon-to-be launched hedge fund Adrigo Small & Mid Cap L/S from Adrigo Hedge, the division managed by Adrigo Asset Management.
Following ten successful years culminating in AUM approaching the SEK 3 billion mark, Adrigo Hedge has decided to further expand its operations with the launch of the long/short equity fund, whose focus will be on Nordic companies in the small and medium-sized segment. The idea is for the fund to complement the low-risk Adrigo Hedge, which focuses on larger and more liquid companies throughout the Nordics. Since inception in December 2006, Adrigo Hedge has returned 82.6% at a considerably lower risk rate than the stock market.
Mr Östlin, who has over 30 years of experience with the Nordic stock market, has previously held positions in Stockholm and New York on behalf of some of Sweden’s most reputable banks and has been a highly ranked analyst in the industrial sector.
Adrigo Small & Mid Cap L/S is scheduled for launch in the autumn of 2017, subject to approval by the Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority, Finansinspektionen.
Picture (c): nathings – shutterstock