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Best Nordic equity focused hedge fund 2015 – Alchemy Trading

Report: Systematic Strategies

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Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Norwegian based Alchemy Trading was awarded best equity focused hedge fund at the 2015 Nordic Hedge Award. In a comment to HedgeNordic, Alchemy´s founder and portfolio manager, Jarle Birkeland, says:

“We would like to thank the jury who voted us first in this category. We have worked hard these last years to improve on our investment management capabilities. The recent market environment has made us turn more defensive as we believe the opportunity set is more of a “coin flip”. We have significantly reduced our exposure and operate with a small gross exposure until we see better opportunities. Our trade-expectancy and risk management guidelines are integral parts of our strategy and will serve as important performance drivers in 2016, just as they have during the last three years.”

Alchemy Trading gained 16.6% in 2015, significantly outperforming the NHX Equity index that gained 9.8% during the year.

Ranked in second place was Swedish Origo Quest 1 and in third, the most consistent nominee in the Nordic Hedge Awards history, Taiga Fund from Norway. Taiga also managed to take an outstanding second rank as “Best Nordic Hedge Fund 2015 (over all)”.  Trophies were presented by Andrea Gentilini of Novus.

Rhenman Healthcare Equity L/S, who had one the category the last three years back to back did not rank among the top three despite being nominated. The health care specialist did however snatch two trophies, being awarded as best net performing Nordic hedge fund overall for their three year and five year performance.



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