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61 per cent of hedge funds report outflows in October

Investors redeemed an estimated USD14.2 billion from hedge funds in October, bringing year-to-date outflows to USD77.0 billion, according to eVestment’s latest Hedge Fund Industry...

Nordic hedge funds little changed in October – CTAs continue downward spiral

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Nordic hedge funds, as expressed by the Nordic Hedge Index NHX, were largely unchanged during the month of October, posting a net...

Observer Consensus: 7-Month Hedge Fund Surge At End

 Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - The verdict on October is in, by consensus of several major hedge fund observers, pointing to a universal drop across the...

Nordic hedge fund managers comment on US election

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - The American people have spoken and voted Donald Trump into the White House as their 45th President (elect). This decision came...

Nordic CTAs give up gains for 2016

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Having stormed through the turbulent first two months of 2016 and again adding massive gains post Brexit, Nordic CTAs were in...

Alfakraft shuts Alfa Edge Fund

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Alfakraft, the Swedish quantitative multi-strategy hedge fund shop, has decided to shut down one of its underlying funds, the Alfa Edge...

Nordea Alpha 15 takes the lead

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) –  2016 is proving to be a challenging year for the hedge fund space to generate returns. The Nordic Hedge Index (NHX),...

Adding Leverage to a Fund Does Not Always Increase Risk

(AIMA)– 25 October 2016: Adding leverage to an alternative investment fund does not necessarily increase the risk, according to a new study by the...

Q3/16 Best Hedge Fund Performance since 2013

  Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – September marked gains of 0.91% in the Preqin All-Strategies Hedge Fund Benchmark, delivering the 7th successive month of positive performance. The...

Gladiator storms through September  

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Swedish long/short equity fund Gladiator Fond posted returns of 3% for September 2016. This was by comparison to a slight 0.28% appreciation on...

Brummer add Black-and-White Innovation Fund to BMS

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Brummer & Partners have announced the addition of  Black-and-White Innovation Fund to its Brummer Multi-Strategy (BMS) family of funds. Investments into...

Hedge Fund Industry Rebounds in September

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – eVestment, the leading provider of institutional investment analytics, intelligence and data worldwide, has announced its findings for September 2016 in its...

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