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Sector Sigma Nordic Fund Suffers Worst Performance Patch Since Inception

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Sector Sigma Nordic Fund, a long-short equity fund primarily investing in the Nordic region, is experiencing its worst performance patch since...

Sector Zen profits from take-overs

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Sector Zen, the Norwegian managed, Japan focused long/short equity fund within the Sector Asset Management family of funds, today announced, two of its...

Trient Global Macro Shuts Its Doors

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Trient Global Macro, the largest hedge fund in Norway, has shut down, the Norwegian financial daily Finansavisen has reported. Following weak returns,...

Managers Anticipate Brighter Future Under Trump

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Following unexpected market rallies and prospective key appointments seen as favourable to the industry after Donald J. Trump’s election victory, hedge...

Sector Asset Management: Trump – “Let’s Do It”

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Sector Asset Management, the Norwegian hedge fund firm with $1.7 billion in AUM, is betting on U.S. President-elect Trump’s promises to...

Brexit: The Razor’s Edge

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - With the Brexit Referendum coming down to an exceedingly thin margin between its antagonists, global markets are roiling at the uncertainty,...

Asymmetric joins Sector

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Sector Asset Management today announced that Oslo based Asymmetric Asset Management AS, the management company of the Asymmetric Global Macro Fund,...

A Nordic perspective on transparency, regulation and industry priorities

London (HedgeNordic) - The hedge fund industry has undergone major changes since the financial crisis as the industry becomes more institutionalised with increased transparency...

Bästa nordiska aktiehedgefond 2014

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Den 22 april 2015, delades priser ut till de bästa nordiska hedgefonderna i sju olika kategorier vid Nordic Hedge Award. På tredjeplats i...

Inbjudan: Sector Asset Managements investerarkonferens

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Sector Asset Management bjuder in branschrepresentanter till sin årliga investerarkonferens i Oslo den 17 juni. Konferensen har blivit etablerad som en av...

Sector-fonder nomineras av HFMWeek

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Den norska hedgefondförvaltare Sector Asset Management har nominerats i flera kategorier vid HFMWeeks årliga event där priser delas ut till de...

2014 Nordic Hedge Award – Att välja ut vinnarna

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Till skillnad från många andra priser inom den finansiella industrin, har Nordic Hedge Award sedan starten 2012 alltid satt en ära...

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