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Investment Outlook: Ljusare ekonomiska utsikter i världen – 2011 har förutsättningar att bli ett bra placeringsår

De världsekonomiska utsikterna ljusnar. Fler regioner är på väg in i en konjunkturuppgång, som bär allt mer av egen kraft. Centralbanker i stora industriländer...

Fördelarna med valutahandel

Hur kan en kortsiktig handlare överleva ifall marknaden inte rör sig tillräckligt mycket och det är dyrt att kliva in och ur sina positioner? Lösningen...

Dnb NOR: Political situation in Egypt contributed to a re-pricing of political risk

DnB NOR Global Hedge returned 0.6 pct. in January. - Developed economies left monetary policy unchanged while several Asian emerging economies tightened during...

DnB NOR: Investors risk appetite provided good environment in December

Investors’ strong risk appetite provided a favourable environment for hedge funds in December, according to DnB Global Hedge which returned 1.3 pct in December. ...

Fourth Moment: Correction in November has left the market in a better position

Fourth Moment Global Macro decreased 0.5 pct in November. - The correction in November has left the market in a better position to...

Shepherd Energy plan to ramp up the risk

Shepherd Energy Fund lost 0.20 pct in October 2010. The fund is planning to increase the risk in the coming months.

DnB NOR: Risk appetite returned in September

According to DnB NOR investors risk appetite returned in September. - The US Federal Reserve and Bank of England signalled their plans to...

AAM Absolute Return Fund: The risk of a setback is high

The AAM Absolute Return Fund finished September with an return of 1.60 pct. The long portfolio contributed 11.33 pct, the short portfolio contributed -9.74 pct to the...

DnB NOR Prisma: July was good for Hedgefunds

DnB NOR Prisma had a good July month and is now up 1.2 pct on a YTD-basis. The fund saw positive signs from...

Defined Risk: Growth will falter

Swedish Defined Risk 12 was up in June mainly due to the equity markets. Like many other funds, Defined Risk 12 is predicting a slow...

DnB NOR Prisma: Volatility and risk aversion is back

Volatility and risk aversion returned to the financial system in June, writes DnB NOR Prisma.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns =

Adapto: New worries about a double dip

Adapto is worrying about a double dip as weaker macro data from across the world made riskpremiums go up i

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