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The Inflation Puzzle

By Peter Lindahl – Evli: Last year, strong global economic growth resulted in high inflation, particularly in the US. The whitewash explanation for higher...

The Quality You Like Is Going to Come Back in Style

By Peter Lindahl and Mattias Lagerspetz, Evli systematic funds team: From a factor investor’s perspective, such as ourselves, quality is in many ways the...

‘Quant Winter’ Brings Down Factor Fund

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Alternative risk premia funds, which employ a rules-based approach to harvest risk premia such as value, quality, or momentum, have struggled...

Evli’s Fourth Factor Fund

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Evli has expanded its range of factor funds with the launch of Evli Equity Factor Global. In addition to the newly-launched...

O Value, Where Art Thou?

By Peter Lindahl of Evli: Getting the timing right is always a struggle as irrational periods can last for a good while. But value...

Alternative Risk Premia Versus Smart Beta: Same, Same – but Different

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Most investors occasionally dream of finding multi-bagger stocks that can jack up invested capital. But investors are constantly warned against putting...

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