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Growth in Nordic Hedge Fund Industry Slows

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) For just over a year now, since January 2017, HedgeNordic has been calculating and publishing the NHX asset growth Index (NHX-AGI), an...

Short US Dollar Despite 3-Year Low

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Brummer & Partners-backed Nektar is shorting the U.S. dollar in anticipation of “strong momentum in the short run,” says Nektar’s Chief...

Brummer Multi-Strat negative for 2016

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - So, it has happened, the dice have fallen and the estimates released by Brummer & Partners today indicate a flat month...

Minor gains in May for Nektar

Stockholm (NordicHedge) – May showed a minor gain for Brummer & Partners´ macro fund, Nektar. The fund ended the month up by +0,29%, but is...

Brummer Multi-Strategy: it´s starting to hurt

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Brummer & Partners continued the negative trend in May, with their Brummer Multi-Strategy fund loosing yet another -0,40% during last month,...

Visio Funds Enjoy April Bounce

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) Finland’s Visio Asset Management reported increases in net asset value of 1.15% for its Allocator Fund, and of 0.50% for its Emerging...

Nominations 2015 Nordic Hedge Award

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) -  Based on a quantative scoring model co-developed by HedgeNordic and Stockholm School of Economics on data drawn from the Nordic Hedge...

Swedish pedigree team launches Ambrosia

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Ambrosia Asset Management AB launches a new fund, after having received approval from the Swedish FSA. The managers behind the new...

IPM tillsätter ny VD

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Stefan Nydahl har utsetts till ny vd för IPM (Informed Portfolio Management), ett dotterbolag till Catella. Stefan Nydahl tillträder rollen från...

Brummer – rekylerar upp i maj

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Efter en rejält stökig månad i april för Brummer-fonderna, återhämtade sig under maj – och det med råge för vissa. För kreditfonden...

Brummer tappade i april

Stockholm (Hedgenordic) – April månad blev en stökig historia för Brummer & Partners. Bolagets fond Brummer Multi-Strategy (BMS), som är en kombination av 7...

Brummer upp även i mars

Stockholm (HedgeNordic): Brummer & Partners har fortsatta framgångar i sin förvaltning. Uppgången med +1,0% i mars för Brummer Multi-Strategy (BMS) innebär femte månaden i...

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