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All Green Numbers in Elementa’s Inaugural Year

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - The Swedish long/short equity hedge fund Elementa, that acts under the PSG Capital umbrella, put in another positive month in December...

AAM Absolute Return Fund roars ahead gaining 57% in 2015

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) –  AAM Absolute Return Fund, the long/short equity hedge fund managed by Norwegian Oslo Asset Management, finished the year in very strong...

Rhenman Soft Closing in December confirmed

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - What has been long announced is now confirmed. Rhenman & Partners will be soft closing the Rhenman Healthcare Equity L/S fund by...

Lyxor and Och-Ziff launch opportunistic long/short equity fund

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - The French asset manager Lyxor and the high profile US hedge fund manager Och-Ziff are launching the Lyxor / OZ U.S. Equity...

Nordic Alternatives Day in London

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) -  Hedge Nordic, Hedge Fund Insight  and Alvine Capital co-hosted the first Nordic Alternatives Day on  November 11th  in London. The conference introduced investors to...

CTAs down on performance, gaining assets

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) -  A monthly update by  Eurekahedge shows CTA/managed futures funds saw the net inflows even though they recorded performance-based losses of 2,4 billion...

Sector Zen rebounds in October as Japanese stocks rally

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - The Norwegian long/short equity fund, Sector Zen, gained 4 percent in October on the back of a strong rally in Japanese...

Strong October puts Origo on double-digits YTD

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Origo Quest 1, a Swedish long/short equity fund specialised in Nordic small-cap companies, added nearly 8 percent to its NAV in October....

Seeking uncorrelated Alpha in a L/S Equity approach

Stockholm (HedgeNordic)  - Geneva and London-based RAM Active Investments . might be little known to the broad public but the company has a strong institutional...

Sector Sigma Nordic – short book added value in September

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - The Norwegian long/short equity fund, Sector Sigma Nordic, rose by 0.6 percent in September bringing performance year to date for the NOK share...

Adrigo anställer nytt och flyttar

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Adrigo Asset Management, förvaltningsbolaget bakom fonden Adrigo Hedge, anställer två nya personer och flyttar till nya lokaler. Bolaget har rekryterat Stefan Gavelin...

Catella Nordic Long/Short Equity – Nytt förvaltarteam

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Catella Fonder meddelar via sitt nyhetsbrev att hedgefonden Catella Nordic Long/Short Equity sedan mitten av maj förvaltas av Martin Nilsson och...

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