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Round Table: Family Offices & Hedge Funds

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - While ultimately families are patient investors with investment horizons often spreading across generations, there are flaws with their typical, long-only heavy...

Round Table Discussion: CTA & Systematic Macro

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) -At HedgeNordic, it has become a much-treasured tradition to close the year with a roundtable discussion among systematic macro and CTA managers...

Round Table Discussion: Alternative Fixed Income & Credit

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) -  HedgeNordics´ roundtable in Copenhagen of credit managers, and allocators including pension funds, family offices, insurance companies, and multi -manager fund of funds, discussed their preferred...

HedgeNordic CTA Roundtable 2016

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - For CTAs and quant macro strategies, 2016 was another challenging year. Generally, the strategy group benefited from external market shocks such as worries...

Nordic Insights: 2014 – A Good Time For Hedge Funds?

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - We were delighted when Amundi Asset Management invited us to co-organize a round table discussion among distin- guished representatives of the...

Nordic Insights: Managed Futures (2014)

Managed Futures are dead! Again. Managed Futures for many investors only had some cameo appearances on the big screens until they had their first lead...

Nordic Insights: Multi Strat Hedge Funds

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - Multi Strategy hedge funds have had a changing fate of popularity among investors over the last years. While the value of...

Round Table Discussion: hedge fund risk management

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - HedgeNordic och White Raven, tillsammans med Northern Trust, höll den 15:e oktober ett rundabordssamtal kring temat riskhantering. Deltog gjorde Risk &...

Nordic Insights: Managed Futures (Roundtable Discussion)

HedgeFonder.nu bjöd tillsammans med RPM, Risk & Portfolio Management in representanter för den Nordiska CTA-industrin till ett rundabordssamtal i Stockholm. Bland deltagarna fanns AP1,...