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Hamlin Lovell, CFA, CAIA, FRM ─ author

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Blended Finance at an Inflexion Point

London (HedgeNordic) – It is now widely accepted that ESG investing can be consistent with strong risk-adjusted returns and might even enhance them, but...

Yield Pickup Persists in Norwegian Credit Markets

London (HedgeNordic) – Bergen-based Borea Asset Management AS has been investing in Norwegian credit since 2004, and launched its flagship high yield fund in...

Mean Reversion Opportunities in FI Arb

London (HedgeNordic) – Brummer & Partners-backed Frost Asset Management’s Scandinavian-focused fixed-income relative value fund is closing down after incurring a loss of 17.6 percent in October....

Portfolio Diversification Through Private Assets

London (HedgeNordic) – Since the Great Financial Crisis, diversification has been easy - and perhaps too easy. The classic equity and bonds mix has...

Diversification and Spice

London (HedgeNordic) - A common model applies across illiquid alternatives including private debt and infrastructure: external investors can invest alongside Allianz, accessing the same...

The Diversifying Power of Chinese Futures Markets

London (HedgeNordic) – Institutional investors who started allocating to equities in mainland China have increasingly diversified into government bonds, corporate credit and the growing...

Three Centuries of Systematic Trading

London (HedgeNordic) - Systematic and quantitative are interchangeable terms. They involve using a model, formula, rule or algorithm, rather than discretion or judgement, to...

Private Debt and Investing in the Real Economy

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – We caught up with Nina Jahanbin, Head of Nordics at Union Bancaire Privée (UBP), Colin Greene, Head of Private Debt at...

Transitioning Towards a Sustainable Economy

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – There are different opinions about the speed, strength and persistence of the economic recovery, but very few economists entertain the possibility...

Nordic Institutions Embracing Private Markets

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Historically, US pension funds had larger allocations to alternatives but Europe may be catching up: as of 2018, European pension funds...

A Flexible Structure for Private Markets

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – The long-awaited Irish Limited Partnership (ILP) investment vehicle structure is attracting strong interest from clients at Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)...

Small and Mid-Cap Private Equity

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Small and mid-cap private equity, a segment which Flexstone broadly define as funds between USD 150 million and USD 1,5billion, and...

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