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Merrant: The Market Neutral Multi-Manager

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) -Merrant Alpha Select is a Swedish fund of hedge funds co-managed by Ulf Sedig and Rolf Hagekrans. The fund focuses entirely on...


Stockholm (HedgeNordic) -  It is more than ten years ago that Allianz Global Investors, the European Asset Management giant that today has in excess...

Market Neutral Strategies (Special Report)

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - HedgeNordic is pleased to publish a special report on Market Neutral strategies with special emphasis on the Nordic markets. In a market-neutral product,...

Fewest CTA launches in a decade

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Lagging returns in 2015 are fueling impatience and often disappointment by investors and reducing demand for Managed Futures. While all other hedge...

Interview: Jonas Mårtenson / Ress Capital

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - The market for alternative investments offers a broad spectrum of possible sources of return, beside the traditional equity and fixed income...

EuroHedge announces initial nominations

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - EuroHedge today announced the initial nominations for the 2015 EuroHedge Awards and we are pleased to see a good number of...

CTAs down on performance, gaining assets

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) -  A monthly update by  Eurekahedge shows CTA/managed futures funds saw the net inflows even though they recorded performance-based losses of 2,4 billion...

Nordic CTA´s wrong-footed in October

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - As previously reported, Nordic CTAs had a dificult month in October. Early indications showed a loss of as much as -3,7%....

Skandia Global Hedge shuts down

Skandia Fonder shuts down the Skandia Global Hedge product and transfer investors to the Skandia SMART Försiktig fund according to a press release. Skandia Global...

Nordic CTAs take it hard on the chin

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Nordic CTAs got hit hard in October, early indications showing the NHX CTA sub index down by 3,71%, the largest monthly...

Brummer declines for third consecutive month

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Brummer-Multi-Strategy, the fund investing in Brummer & Partners'  single manager hedge funds, declined by 0.2 % in October according to estimates from Brummer....

Seeking uncorrelated Alpha in a L/S Equity approach

Stockholm (HedgeNordic)  - Geneva and London-based RAM Active Investments . might be little known to the broad public but the company has a strong institutional...

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