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Increased Dispersion Good for Alpha

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – The uncertainties surrounding the coronavirus pandemic has led to increased volatility and dispersion across stocks and sectors, creating a lucrative environment...

Origo Receives Recognition for Sustainability

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Stockholm-based hedge fund manager Origo Capital has been named the “Best Sustainable Alternative Investment Manager” in the Nordics in 2020 by...

Bring Them Home

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Of the seven Nordic hedge funds nominated for this year’s HFM European Emerging Manager Awards, three collected awards at yesterday’s awards...

If It’s Broken, Fix It!

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Many high-quality businesses are likely to face severe challenges at some point in their business lives. Some problems are short-lived and...

Rookie of the Year 2018: Qualified Funds

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Since 2015, one of the categories celebrated at the Nordic Hedge Award is for the most promising new launch among Nordic...

Bid for Origo’s Holding Tastes Bittersweet

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Origo Quest 1, a Stockholm-based long/short equity fund that occasionally engages in constructive activism to unlock shareholder value in their holdings,...

Origo Builds Major Long Position in Lindab, Takes on Active Role

Origo Capital, through its long/short equity activist fund Quest 1 managed by Stefan Roos (pictured), have built up a substantial long position in Swedish Lindab,...

Intervju: Stefan Roos – Origo Capital

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Det Stockholmsbaserade fondbolaget Origo Capital grundades 2011 av Stefan Roos och förvaltar småbolagsfonden Origo Quest 1 sedan februari 2013. Stefan Roos har...

Origo Quest 1 – Starkt första halvår

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - Fonden Quest 1 från Origo Capital steg med hela 12,7% under det första halvåret 2014 och hamnade därmed på en sjundeplacering...

Origo Quest 1 adderas till NHX

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - Från och med januari 2014 finns den absolutavkastande aktierelaterade specialfonden Origo Quest 1 med som konstituent i Nordic Hedge Index (NHX)....

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