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BMS Turns Defensive After Market Turmoil

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Brummer Multi-Strategy, a multi-strategy vehicle investing in the single-strategy hedge funds in the Brummer & Partners family, did not come out...

Brummer Suffers Worst Monthly Loss on Record in October

Stockholm (Hedgenordic) - Brummer Multi Strategy (BMS), the SEK 41 billion multi-manager hedge fund, suffered its worst monthly loss on record in October since...

Nordic Hedge Fund Industry Assets Growth

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Though relatively small, of course, in a global context, there are a couple of Nordic-based hedge funds with large assets under...

2017 Nordic Hedge Award – The Winners

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) –  On April 25th 2018, HedgeNordic announced the winners of the sixth edition of the Nordic Hedge Award in Stockholm. All winners were determined...

Growth in Nordic Hedge Fund Industry Slows

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) For just over a year now, since January 2017, HedgeNordic has been calculating and publishing the NHX asset growth Index (NHX-AGI), an...

Brummer Multi-Strategy Gatekeeper Talks Performance

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Brummer Multi-Strategy, a fund of funds investing in the single-strategy hedge funds within the Brummer & Partners family, returned 6.4% net-of-fees...

Brummer closes MNJ

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Brummer & Partners walk away from yet another one of their funds. According to a news release on Brummer´s website, Brummer...

Global hedge funds up, Nordics down in October?

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - According to mid-month estimates from Hedge Fund Research, global hedge funds are recovering in October. The HFRX Global Hedge Fund Index gained...

Brummer & Partners – uppåt i juni för flertalet fonder

Stockholm (Hedgenordic.com) – Juni innebar en uppgång för majoriteten av fonderna inom Brummer-gruppen.  Sex av nio singelstrategifonder levererade positiv avkastning. Några stora tal blev det dock...

Brummer & Partners – April gav ytterligare utmaningar

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) – Efter mars månads nedgång på -1,46% för Brummer Multi Strategy (BMS), fortsatte den stökiga miljön även under april. Månaden slutade på...

Brummer Multi-Strategy introducerar utdelande andelsklass

Stockholm (HedgeFonder.nu) – För att möta efterfrågan från stiftelser och andra investerare kommer den svenska hedgefondförvaltaren Brummer & Partners under våren 2013 att introducera...

Nominations: Best Nordic Fund of Hedgefunds

Calculations have been completed for determining the short list of nominated funds for the 2012 Nordic Hedge Award. The nomination is a result of...

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