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Observer Consensus: 7-Month Hedge Fund Surge At End

 Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - The verdict on October is in, by consensus of several major hedge fund observers, pointing to a universal drop across the...

Adding Leverage to a Fund Does Not Always Increase Risk

(AIMA)– 25 October 2016: Adding leverage to an alternative investment fund does not necessarily increase the risk, according to a new study by the...

Merrant: “Ooops, I did it again”

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Space on the award shelf of Swedish market neutral fund of hedge funds Merrant Alpha select is becoming a scarce commodity....

A defensive approach to hedge fund investing

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Started in 2011 as a partner-owned asset manager with a focus on hedge fund solutions for the institutional audience, Peak Asset Management...

Hedge Fund Assets fall in volatile Q1

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – According to the most recent HFR Global Hedge Fund Industry Report, global Hedge Fund capital declined in Q12016, as volatile markets...

Honey, I hedged the premia…!

Stockholm (HedgeNordic - Teaser) - Alternative risk premia have been a widely covered topic in the last decade. The idea of allocating across risk...


The Lyxor Hedge Fund Index was down -0.9% in February. 3 out of 11 Lyxor Indices ended the month in positive territory. The Lyxor...

Nordic hedge funds outpace international peers – again

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - According to data from Hedge Fund Research (HFR), global hedge funds suffered losses in December led by energy and quantitative CTA...

Lyxor ser att rekordår för uppköp gynnar arbitragefonder

Göteborg (FinWire) - Det innevarande året ser ut att kunna bli ett av de bästa någonsin sett till antalet och storleken på företagsuppköp, skriver Lyxors...

Svag utveckling för hedgefonder under maj

Göteborg (FinWire) - Lyxors hedgefondsindex sjönk med 1,1 procent under månadens första två veckor. Bäst utvecklade sig de fonder med arbitragestrategier, med en uppgång om...

När silver blev till guld – historien om Lynx

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Året var 1999 när tre kollegor vid Nordbanken proprietary trading beslutade sig för att lämna sina positioner och starta en egen...

Intervju: Stefan Roos – Origo Capital

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Det Stockholmsbaserade fondbolaget Origo Capital grundades 2011 av Stefan Roos och förvaltar småbolagsfonden Origo Quest 1 sedan februari 2013. Stefan Roos har...

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