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The Quality You Like Is Going to Come Back in Style

By Peter Lindahl and Mattias Lagerspetz, Evli systematic funds team: From a factor investor’s perspective, such as ourselves, quality is in many ways the...

Finding “Superstar” Needles in a Haystack

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – History shows that most stock market returns usually come from a tiny fraction of companies. In the past decade or so,...

Frontier Markets: The New Emerging Markets

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Frontier markets represent the next generation of emerging markets, offering greater return potential than both emerging and developed markets over time....

Emerging Markets: Riding the Narrative

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – With emerging market countries enjoying higher-than-average economic growth amid the catching-up process with countries in the developed world, emerging markets can...

Revenge of the Old Economy

By Peter Elam Håkansson, Chairman and CIO at East Capital: One of the standout features of the third quarter was the continued rally in...

Update on China’s Property Crisis

By Shikeb Farooqui, Emso Asset Management – The Chinese property sector is currently in the grip of a policy-induced liquidity crunch which threatens to take...

Impact on Emerging Markets

By Yann Groeger and Michael Wehrle of BlueOrchard, Schroders: Impact investors are used to looking at their investments and seeing more than just the...

Good Content, Bad Packages

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – The Swedish corporate bond market is believed to be inefficient and dysfunctional from time to time. Taner Pikdöken of Atlant Fonder...

No Better Alternative

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Fixed-income investments are a mainstay of institutional portfolios, not because institutional investors really want to, but because they have to. And...

Nordic High Yield: Roller coaster 2020

By Svein Aage Aanes, Head of Fixed Income and FX at DNB Asset Management – 2020 was a year for the history books in...

Natural Progression

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Private market investing requires a level of detail and access to information that is not usually available to public market investors....

Global Reach with a Local Focus

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – The Swedish corporate bond market has long been characterized by low liquidity compared to other bond markets. When liquidity dried up...