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Swiss Wealth Manager Opens RFP for CTA Investment

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – A Swiss wealth manager is currently searching for a CTA manager running a cross-asset class strategy with a systematic approach. The...

RFP: Absolute Return Strategy in Credit

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – A Danish institutional investor is currently seeking a manager with an absolute return strategy in the credit space, as indicated by...

Formue Leads Charge for Cash Hurdles

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – In the decade following the financial crisis, the low-interest-rate environment enabled many hedge funds to launch without setting cash-based hurdle rates...

AP3 Re-Enters Emerging Markets with a Fresh Lens

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Sweden’s buffer fund, AP3 Tredje AP-fonden, made the decision to divest all of its equity exposure to emerging markets in 2022...

AP3’s Tactical Evolution with Jonas Thulin

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – In early 2024, Jonas Thulin assumed the role of Chief Investment Officer at the Third Swedish National Pension Fund (AP3). Known...

Elo’s Dual Approaches for Local and Hard Currency EMD

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company, the third largest among Finland’s four pension insurance companies, manages an investment portfolio exceeding €30 billion....

Jury Board to the 2023 Nordic Hedge Award

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – The Nordic Hedge Award will distinguish outstanding hedge fund managers from and active in the Nordic region on the 24th of...

ATP’s Response to Changing Equity-Bond Correlations

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – In 2022, the usual negative correlation between equities and bonds, essential for the construction of diversified portfolios, disappeared. This rare anomaly,...

Evolution in Hedge Fund Investing with LGT Collaboration

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Since Peter Ragnarsson assumed the role of Head of Alternatives at PRI Pensionsgaranti in 2015, the Swedish pension insurer has significantly...

Jon Arnell to Take Charge in Building Sweden’s Leading Family Office

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Swedish multi-family office von Euler & Partners has announced the appointment of Jon Arnell as Chief Investment Officer. Arnell, who has...

Solid 2023 Rebound for P+, Spotlight on Hedge Funds

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – P+ Pensionskassen for Akademikere enjoyed a notable rebound in 2023 after a challenging 2022. This resurgence extended to the “special investments”...

Please Prepare for Landing in 2024

By Kari Vatanen, CIO of Veritas: Throughout the past year, economists have been debating whether the economy is heading to a soft landing or...