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Lock In Profits or Put It All On Black?

The Hedge Fund Journal: A new working paper by Andrew Clare and Nick Motson of London’s Cass Business School – “Locking in the profits...

Report shows 2008 worst year for HF strategies

The Hedge Fund Journal: In a new EDHEC publication, entitled “Hedge Fund Performance in 2008”, Véronique Le Sourd, Senior Research Engineer at the EDHEC...

EDHEC position paper sets out Madoff red flags

The Hedge Fund Journal: In a new position paper from the EDHEC Risk and Asset Management Research Centre, François-Serge Lhabitant and Greg Gregoriou, two...

Fed lowers fed funds rate by half point to 1.00 pct

The Federal Open Market Committee lowered the federal funds rate and the discount rate by 50 basis points to 1 pct and 1.25 pct respectively....

Martin AM To Offer ETF HF Replication

Through its ETF strategies, Martin Asset Management is able to replicate hedge-fund-like returns and risk factors without the heavy fees, lockups and non-transparent holdings....

New trend towards seed capital

With investors becoming less willing to invest into start-ups because there is no managerial track record or risk control is expensive, seed capital can...

Hedge funds less willing to take chances

 Hedge funds are less willing to take risks and rather take a "wait and see" approach, withholding large amounts of cash and avoiding big...

Investors choose risk management over manager’s pedigree and still high confidence in hedge funds says Deutsche Bank’s AI Survey

Investors had this year 4 major manager selection criteria instead of 3 and risk management is now more valued than manager's pedigree, says Deutsche Bank's Annual Alternative...

Hedge funds taking extra risk to reach performance targets

As the FT reported on Sunday according to new research conducted by Chris Brooks, University of Reading, and Andrew Clare and Nick Motson, City...

Swedish banks show financial strength

March 27th (Finansinspektionen/fi.se): A new report by FI, which is published today, shows that Swedish banks have managed the financial markets crisis relatively well....

Top 100 list of Swedish fund managers lists Fidelity as number one

20th March (Citywire): New research from Citywire showed the top 100 fund managers in Sweden with Fidelity at first place. The top 100 list...

AP4 automates risk data with VPD software

The Swedish government pension fund AP4 has appointed VPD Financial Software Consulting

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