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The SEB Quant Team Leaves

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – The SEB Global Quant team led by Hans-Olov Bornemann (pictured) is leaving SEB Investment Management on December 31, which served as...

ARP in Multi-Manager Portfolios – An Acquired Taste

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Most of those who run multi-manager vehicles in the Nordics are not investing in Alternative Risk Premia (ARP). For instance, Coeli Asset...

Interview: SEB’s Otto Francke on the new Alternative Risk Premia fund

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - In May of 2015, SEB launched a new fund called SEB Alternative Risk Premia. The idea is to offer a vehicle...

Nordic Hedge Award Panel Discussion: Insight into Manager Selection Process

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - The panel discussion at this year’s Hedge Nordic Awards focused on key ingredients in the manager selection process of some of the...

Intervju med Otto Francke, SEB Alternative Investment Team

Stockholm (HedgeFonder.nu) - För två veckor sedan orsakade SEB en stor blip på de radarskärmar som följer den nordiska hedgefondmarknaden. Två av deras fonder,...

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