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Idea’s Pursuit of Market Returns with Less Turbulence

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – In the vast and varied landscape of investment strategies and funds, one can find a wide array of choices, each promising...

Årets Hedgefond 2021

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Long/short equity fund PriorNilsson Idea has been named the “Hedge Fund of the Year 2021” at the annual “Årets Fonder” awards...

Årets Hedgefond 2020

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Multi-strategy hedge fund Nordic Cross Stable Return has been named the “Hedge Fund of the Year 2020” at the annual “Årets...

Swedish Domestic Market: Proceed Cautiously

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – PriorNilsson Idea, a long/short equity-focused hedge fund managed by Swedish asset manager PriorNilsson Fonder, has generated a cumulative return of 194.5%...

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