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The Rebirth of Antiloop Hedge: Splitting Into Two

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Antiloop Hedge wrapped up its journey as a multi-strategy vehicle at the end of August, with the Antiloop team gearing up...

Perfect Storm for Antiloop’s Strategies

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Since its launch in February 2022, multi-strategy hedge fund Antiloop Hedge successfully navigated turbulent waters with few surprises. The month of...

How a Multi-Strategy Hedge Fund Can be Labeled as Article 8

Key takeaways: Hedge funds can absolutely be classified as Article 8 without changing their investment strategy Sustainability analysis and reporting need to be made...

Big Step for Antiloop Hedge

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Anna Svahn joined forces with Martin Sandquist and Karl-Mikael Syding to launch multi-strategy hedge fund Antiloop Hedge in late 2020. So...

The Multi-Strategy Appeal

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – The term “multi-strategy” does not always have clear edges, with multi-strategy funds often coming in many different shapes and colors. Multi-strategy...

The Beauty of a Multi-Strategy Approach

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Many investments products are giving investors more of what they already have – long exposure equities or bonds. In a world...

AIFM Conveyor Keeps Rolling

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Soon after the launch of Antiloop Hedge in early September, Swedish fund management company AIFM Group formally announced a collaboration with...

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