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Coeli Fonder launches two new FoFs

Swedish fund management company Coeli Fonder has added two new funds to their roster, the fund of funds Ocean and Navigator. One is a...

Mangold fund manager leaves to start mutual fund

Jonas Edholm, hedge fund manager with Mangold Fonder, has left the company and has started the mutual fund Europa Aktiv with Håkon Lundmark. ...

DLG Aktiefond Sweden’s best during 2006

The equity hedge fund DLG Aktiefond is the best performing Swedish fund in 2006 with respect to pure return. The fund has returned 50.25%....

Bergsgård Petersson Fonder to launch macro hedge fund

The Swedish hedge fund management company Bergsgård Petersson Fonder is launching a macro hedge fund, Bergsgård Petersson Macro Hedge, at the end of December....

Banco survey: One in two Swedish retail investors lack knowledge of their investments

According to a survey of the knowledgeability of Swedish investors, commissioned by Banco Fonder, 46% of all Swedish retail investors have significant knowledge gaps...

Camilla Robinson Seippel appointed new CEO of Banco Fonder

Camilla Robinson Seippel has replaced Tonika Hirdman as CEO of Swedish fund management company Banco Fonder. Tonika Hirdman has moved to a new position...

Coeli funds Horisont and Magnitud have joined the Nordic Hedge Fund Index (NHX)

The Swedish hedge funds Horisont and Magnitud, managed by Coeli Fonder AB, have joined the Nordic Hedge Fund Index (NHX). Both funds are fund...

New Portfolio Manager and Partner at Holtback & Partners Kapitalförvaltning AB

Tom Engman has joined Holtback & Partners Kapitalförvaltning AB as portfolio manager. He leaves his position as hedge fund portfolio manager for Erik Penser...

Market downturn may lead to consolidation in hedge fund industry

According to Swedish hedge fund firm Whitebeam Fonder AB, adverse market conditions will make it more difficult for long/short equity funds to make money,...

XACT – first in the Nordic region with a fundamental European index

XACT Fonder AB has signed a licence agreement with FTSE, whose new European index is based on fundamental key figures. XACT Fonder AB has...

Swedish FSA approves Mangold fund acquisition

The Swedish FSA has approved the acquisition by Mangold Fonder of the Kullberg & Spiik funds Edge and Explora. The Swedish FSA has approved...

Mangold acquires Kullberg & Spiik funds Edge and Explora

The newly established Swedish fund management company Mangold Fonder AB is the company which has acquired the FSA-sanctioned Kullberg & Spiik funds Edge and...

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