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Nordic Insights: Multi Strat Hedge Funds

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - Multi Strategy hedge funds have had a changing fate of popularity among investors over the last years. While the value of...

Multi-strategi hedgefonder – hur angriper man detta på det mest effektiva sättet?

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - Landskapet för hedgefonder har på ett revolutionerande sätt förändrats under de senaste åren, eller snarare så har hedgefondbranschen utvecklats sedan dess...

Interview: Johan Lindberg – Coeli Asset Management

Stockholm (HedgeFonder.nu) In Sweden and across the Nordics Coeli is mostly known as a wealth management firm and distributor. Yet the company has been...

Nordic Hedge Award: Announcing the Winners

Stockhholm (HedgeFonder.nu) - The winners of the 2012 Nordic Hedge Award were presented their trophies during an evening event on April 24th in Stockholm....

Broad gains for Nordic hedge funds in January

Stockholm (HedgeFonder.nu) - The Nordic Hedge Index NHX gained 1,85% in January. Best performing sub index where managed futures which appreciated by 3,21% (88%...

Coeli expanderar och startar fondbolag i Luxemburg

Den svenska kapitalförvaltaren Coeli tar ytterligare ett viktigt steg i att bli en ledande nordisk s.k. Multi Manager med global distribution med fokus på...

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