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Best Nordic Fund of Hedge Funds 2018

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Most Nordic and global hedge funds did not enjoy particularly strong returns in 2018, and while the NHX sub-index for Nordic...

10 Years of Boredom

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Managers set out to develop market neutral strategies when starting their funds often look back at their track records in disbelief...

New PPM Platform Rules Bring Down Sharp Europe

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Europe-focused hedge fund Atlant Sharp Europe will merge into equity fund Viking Fonder Sverige in mid-December after the Swedish Pensions Agency...

Month in Review: NHX December 2017

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – The Nordic Hedge Index (NHX), gained an estimated 0.2% in December (95% reported), bringing the yearly performance to 3.0%. Despite ending...

Atlant Fonder Wins Absolute UCITS Award

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Atlant Fonder and the Atlant Stability fund was awarded best European multi-strategy fund over one year at the Eurohedge Alternative UCITS...

Atlant Fonder’s Funds-of-Funds to Merge

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) – Swedish asset manager Atlant Fonder AB decided to merge its existing fund-of-funds in an attempt to streamline its fund range, enhance...

Atlant in tripple fund launch

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Atlant Fonder are launching three new funds to be added to their current offering of 6 funds. The new funds are...

Why Atlant Sharp is lagging

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - The Swedish hedge fund Sharp, managed by Atlant Fonder, has not kept pace with the OMX S30 index this year. It...

Interview Anders Blomqvist – Atlant Sharp Europe

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Anders Blomqvist is the portfolio manager of Atland Fonder´s newly launched hedge fund Atlant Sharp Europe. Together with Atlant´s lead portfolio manager, Anders...

Atlant Fonder adds to equity exposure

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Atlant Fonder has increased its exposure to equities in October according to a commentary from lead portfolio manager Anders Kullberg, seeing a  more...

Atlant Fonder appoints new CEO and expands product offering

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - The independent fund management company Atlant Fonder has appointed Michael Ekelund (pictured right) as new CEO, according to a press release....

Atlant Fonder: Förvaltarkommentar 2014 – utsikter inför 2015

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) -I förra marknadskommentaren skrev vi: Även om börsuppgången sedan botten 16 oktober har varit spektakulär ser vi i det korta perspektivet, utöver...

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