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A Snapshot of Nordic Fixed-Income Hedge Funds

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - The group of Nordic fixed-income hedge funds outperformed each of the remaining four strategy categories tracked by HedgeNordic both in 2017...

Special Report: Alternative Fixed Income 2018

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - In HedgeNordic ́s last Special Report for 2018, we therefore have all eyes on fixed income markets, and the various strategies...

Hedge Funds: A Swedish Pension Fund CEO’s Experience Over 25 Years

London (HedgeNordic) - Peter Hansson, the former CEO of Sparinstitutens Pensionskassa (SPK), is a true pension and investments veteran and has in his 37-year career...

Assessing E, S and G in a World of Factors

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Nowadays, talking about adding Environment, Social and Governance (ESG) factors into an investment process is common jargon, but most often, the...

Increasing Confidence in Value Factor Exposure

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Since 2006, Swedish Informed Portfolio Management - IPM has run an actively managed, risk factor investing strategy, applied to unleveraged, long-only...

Risk Premia in Fixed income

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Most alternative risk premia strategies are seeking to pick up between one and seven risk premiums, using a 100% systematic and...

Special Report: Alternative Risk Premia

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Investors have always been seeking possibilities of achieving a measure of downside protection, accessing differentiated exposures and identifying truly uncorrelated, complementary...

Alternative Risk Premia Versus Smart Beta: Same, Same – but Different

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Most investors occasionally dream of finding multi-bagger stocks that can jack up invested capital. But investors are constantly warned against putting...

ARP in Multi-Manager Portfolios – An Acquired Taste

Stockholm (HedgeNordic) - Most of those who run multi-manager vehicles in the Nordics are not investing in Alternative Risk Premia (ARP). For instance, Coeli Asset...

Will Alternative Risk Premia Replace Hedge Funds?

London (HedgeNordic) - At least 50 ARP strategies have launched in UCITS fund format, with others in ’40 Act fund, ETFs or managed accounts....

Fund Domicile in Sweden – For all the Right Reasons

Stockholm (HedegNordic) - Setting up a fund company has become an increasingly challenging and complex task, not to mention a costly one. In order...