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Nordic Hedge Funds Performance Review – June 2014

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - Nordic hedge funds gained an estimated 0.2% in June bringing the NHX Composite to a year-to-date performance of 2.60%. During the month,...

Uppgångar för nordiska CTAs under Q2

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - Geopolitisk oro till trots lyckades världens aktiemarknader kämpa sig upp mot nya rekordnivåer under det andra kvartalet 2014. Detta i kombination med...

Nordic Hedge Index up in May

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - Nordic hedge funds gained an estimated 1.17% in May bringing the NHX Composite to a year-to-date performance of 2.40%. The month saw strong...

Nordic Hedge Funds Monthly Review: April 2014

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - Nordic hedge funds were little changed in April with the NHX Composite ending the month down 0.05%. The month continued to be...

Nordic Hedge Award utsåg bästa nordiska hedgefond

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) – För andra året i följd belönades på onsdagen de bästa nordiska hedgefondförvaltarna inom flera olika kategorier vid den så kallade Nordic...

Industry Report 2013

HedgeNordic har glädjen att presentera den första upplagan av "The Nordic Hedge Fund Industry Report". Rapporten summerar året 2013 för hedgefonder som är baserade...

Nordic managers ahead of global peers – NHX vs HFRX

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) – The Nordic Hedge Index, NHX,  supported by gains in all substrategies, advanced by 0,97% in December to lock in its strongest annual...

Strongest gains since 2009 for Nordic Hedge Funds – All time high

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - Supporeted by gains in all substrategies, the Nordic Hedge Index (NHX)  advanced by 0,97% in December to lock in its strongest...

Nordiska CTAs i brett rally under fjärde kvartalet

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - Efter att under året legat och slagit kring noll-strecket noterade nordiska CTAs ett brett rally under det sista skälvande kvartalet. Långa...

Nordic Hedge Index further advances in November

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com) - The Nordic Hedge Index (NHX) continued to extend its  advance,  adding 1,18% November. NHX recorded its  fifth positive month in succession...

Nordic Hedge Index advances 1,15% in October

Stockholm (HedgeNordic.com)  - Nordic hedge funds continued their advance in October, the average fund increasing NAV by 1,15% for the month, according tot he...

Nordiska hedgefonder går mot starkt 2013

Nordiska hedgefonder går mot sitt bästa år sedan 2010 då Nordic Hedge Index (NHX) avkastade 6,22%. Räknat per den 31 oktober visade NHX en...