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Citigroup: Hedge fund numbers to shrink greatly

According to the head of Tribeca Global management, the number of hedge funds worldwide will dwindle significantly over the next five years. September 27...

American prime brokers develop credit derivatives fix

Major Wall Street banks have come up with a potential solution to a backlog in credit derivatives that has irritated the Federal Reserve Bank...

Merger boom will prevail in 2006

The boom in mergers and acquisitions will prosper throughout 2006, driven by low interest rates. September 26 (Reuters): The boom in mergers and acquisitions...

Wall Street sees no hedge fund threat, despite BaFin warnings

At a Goldman Sachs conference, BaFin head Jochen Sanio stated that he is “scared as hell” about hedge funds. The audience didn’t share his...

Swedish hedge funds join in long bond hunt

Due to changes in the Swedish pension fund legislation, a battle for acquisition of long bonds is under way. Swedish hedge funds are front...

Macro hedge funds get more popular

Global macro hedge funds, who bet on the basis of broader economic trends is set to become more popular with investors due to their...

Asset Alliance expands marketing and sales efforts into burgeoning Nordic region

Asset Alliance International, an affiliate of Asset Alliance Corporation, a leading alternative investment management platform is expanding into the Nordic region with the hiring...

Barclays and HFR team up to offer hedge fund options

September 22 (Reuters): Barclays Capital has joined forces with U.S.-based HFR to offer investors hedge fund-linked tradable options, according to Reuters. The European call...

GLG Partners – Europes largest independent hedgefund manager sees growth in the Nordic region

GLG Partners will step up their markting activities in the Nordic region. The Firm will be visiting a number of leading Nordic institutional and professional investors in...

Carnegie on a roll – ytd 22%, annualised return above 20% with std.dev. of 6%

Carnegie Long/short - on a roll - ytd 22%, annualised return above 20% with 6% std. dev. Carnegie got it right when the team...

Bear Stearns hires Knut Dahl as managing hedge fund investment banker in Europe

Bear Stearns today announced that Knut Dahl has joined as a managing director in investment banking and will focus on the asset management sector...

Funds of hedge funds shy of floating

The fast expanding funds of hedge funds are stepping back from listing on the