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European and Asian equity funds set for excellence in 2006

European and Asian equity hedge funds are expected to be this year’s top performers January 26 (Reuters): According to investors speaking to Reuters,...

EU financial advisors reject investments by funds in hedge fund indexes

Financial advisers to the European Comission have recommended that it reject the possibility of pan-European investment funds being allowed to invest in hedge fund...

Financial institutions in alternative investment m & a frenzy

More and more financial institutions look to build alternative investments into their business by entering into mergers and acquisitions. January 26 (Institutional Investor): More...

DnB NOR launches DnB NOR Global Quant

As one of the first hedge fund management companies in the Nordic region, DnB NOR has launched a quantitative global equity market neutral hedge...

Hedge funds now use multiple brokers

As hedge funds grow in size and complexity, many fund managers are according to the Wall Street Journal experiencing that a single prime broker...

Investors cool to hedge funds, pull $824 mln in Q4 2005

Citing meagre returns, investors late last year pulled hundreds of millions of dollars out of hedge funds. January 25 (Reuters): Blaming meager returns, investors...

Buyout vet Lee says hedge funds boost private equity

According to billionaire PE buyout veteran Thomas Lee, the foraging of hedge funds into private equity territory benefits buyout funds. January 25 (Reuters): The...

Currency hedge funds have a disappointing 2005

Currency hedge funds posted their worst returns in at least three years in 2005 because of the unanticipated rise in the dollar, according to...

Members of EU parliament call for pension asset management transfer and UCITS status of FoHFs

Members of the European Parliament are calling for the transfer of pension fund asset management, while also championing the inclusion of funds of hedge...

Greenwich report: European hedge funds compete for assets, dealers compete for hedge funds

Competition is intensifying among European hedge funds trying to attract investor assets and among prime brokers fighting for hedge fund business. January 24:...

RAB says commodities outlook is bright

According to hedge fund firm RAB Capital, commodities overall should yield high rewards for investors over the next decade. January 24 (Reuters): Commodities overall...

Hedge funds a favourite in the Swedish royal family

Prominent Swedish hedge funds constitute the main investment basis for an investment company created by the Swedish King. January 24 (Dagens Industri): The Swedish...